Around 57% of small businesses say that they spent up to $500 on their corporate logos, while 14% say they spent more than $1,000. If you’re in the early stages of starting a business, however, you’re probably already spending more money than you want to.
Fortunately, you can easily make a DIY logo that looks professional and represents your company in a budget-friendly way. If you’re not sure how to get started with DIY logo design, we’ve got your back.
Keep reading to learn helpful tips on how to design a logo yourself.
Think About Your Brand
Before you do anything else, take some time to think about your brand and ask yourself the following questions:
- What is my competition doing?
- Who is my ideal customer?
- Do I have a slogan?
- How will I use my logo?
- What do I want my brand to represent?
Once you have a better idea of who you want your logo to appeal to, how you plan to use it, and what you want your brand to represent, you’ll have an easier time with the design process.
Find Inspiration
Next, do some research on other company logos and pull examples of ones that you like. While you don’t want to copy anyone’s logo, this is a good way to figure out what elements of a logo that you like.
For example, you might notice that a lot of your favorite logos use all capital letters or sans serif fonts. Or, maybe they incorporate the use of a slogan or icon. By figuring out what you like in other logos, you’ll start to get a better idea of the types of elements you should include in your logo.
Choose Colors and Fonts
From there, it’s time to start getting more specific. If you’ve already decided on some elements of your branding like colors, then you can incorporate them in your logo for further brand awareness. If not, now is the time to choose which colors will represent your brand.
It’s best to use no more than one primary color and one or two accent colors to keep it from looking too busy. You may also want to have a simple black or white version of your logo as well.
Once you decide on colors, choose your font(s). Make sure you choose something that is easy to read, even if your logo is small.
Bring Your Ideas to Life
Finally, it’s time to take all your efforts and bring them to life! The easiest way to create a logo is by finding a logo creator free option online.
Most DIY logo maker sites have templates to help you get started, making it easy to create the logo of your dreams in a matter of minutes. Make sure you save out a high-quality version of it and you’ll be all set.
Get Started on Your DIY Logo
After reading these tips on how to create a DIY logo, you have the knowledge you need to get started on your own design. The only limit is your imagination!
Interested in reading more like this as you start your small business? Check out our other articles before you go.