Tuesday , 11 February 2025


Surprise your sweetheart by sending her sweet good night text or card. On this page we present you a large collection of good night messages for her with images that you can send to your girlfriend or wife. These cute good night wishes will bring the smile on her face and make her feel special. Hope that you will find the words that you like.


Starry starry night… But it doesn’t feel special when you’re not with me. No star can compete with you, for you are the most beautiful thing God has ever created. I love you, baby. Have a good night. 


What am I supposed to do now? Sleep? Nights without you are the worst. I can’t wait to see you again, babe. May your night be filled with peace and harmony. I love you, goodnight. 


I know you’ve had a rough day and you can’t wait to fall asleep, but I just wanted to remind you that I love you and care about you. You can count on me, baby. Relax and forget about everything. Goodnight. 


I miss you so much. I still cannot get used to missing you that much. You are definitely one of a kind. May your night be filled with good dreams and peaceful energy. Love you, goodnight. 


I know that we cannot be together 24/7, but when I’m not with you I just feel like I’m wasting time. You’re all I need, baby. I promise to hug you in your dreams and make sure you’re okay. 


I want to feel your skin on my skin every second of my life. Your touch can heal my damaged soul. I miss you like crazy. I’ll guard your dreams and will never let any nightmare disturb you. Goodnight. 


Your voice is the sweetest lullaby. I can’t stop thinking about how nice it would be to hear it right now. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a very good night and say that I really miss you, baby.


I’m jealous of your pillows, of the way they’re touching your beautiful face and catching your silky hair. I wish I could hold you right now. Hope you’re sleeping well and having the best dreams, love. Goodnight. 


All of the starts are shining just for you, baby. I can get you the Moon if you want to. There’s nothing I can’t do for you. May you meet me in your dreams, because I really need to tell you how much I love you as soon as possible. 


I know I may sound stupid but I just can’t fall asleep without you. You make me feel some type of way. Get some rest and come back to me, because, apparently, I can’t live without you. 


The fact that the same moon lightens up our nights is making me feel better when you’re not by my side. I feel like I see these stars through your eyes. I love you and I miss you. Have a good night. 


I want to hold you so bad right now. Every night that I spend without you is the coldest night ever. I can’t wait to see you again. May your dreams be full of bright colours and wonderful surprises. Goodnight. 


I used to love sleeping alone. But now I just can’t fall asleep without you by my side. I want you to be here so bad. I hope that you are feeling fine and sleeping peacefully. Goodnight, baby. 


Sleeping without you is weird. You are such a big part of me, and it almost feels like I’ve lost something really important. It makes me nervous. I hope you’re okay though. I love you, goodnight. 


I miss your beautiful face. I miss waking up by your side. I miss your smile and your voice. I can’t wait to hold you. Hope you’re having a very peaceful night. Love you, goodnight.


I promise to make sure that we’ll see each other in our dreams. You fulfill this empty hole in my heart, and I hate falling asleep without you. May this night bring you the most wonderful and peaceful sleep. Goodnight, baby.


Loving you is like living in the most unbelievable dream. I hope that this night will teleport you to this dream of mine, so I could show you how much you mean to me. Goodnight, my love. 


I pray for you before I go to bed, every single night. I don’t even know if I believe in someone up above, but I want to do everything to make sure you are safe. Sleep tight, my precious. Have a good night. 


I just wanted to let you know that you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you so very much. May this night be filled with peace and harmony. Goodnight, baby.


The stars and the moon cannot compare with your inner glow. May this light inside of you last forever, and I will do everything to keep it safe. Have a good night, princess. I’ll see you tomorrow.  


Even though I can’t be with you right now, you are the only thing I can think of. Every time I close my eyes, I see your beautiful face. I just can’t help it. I hope we will see each other in our dreams. Goodnight, baby.


Starry starry night… But the only thing I can think of is you. You are prettier than all of the stars and the Moon herself. I am the happiest man alive because I have you. Have a very good night, love.


Nights without you are the worst. I wish I was with you right now, holding you tight. May this night be peaceful and filled with beautiful harmony. Can’t wait to see you, baby. Goodnight.  


I miss you every second of my life. You are all that I have ever wanted, and spending these nights without you is such a nightmare. I will never let you go, baby. Have a very peaceful night. 


No nightmare can attack your peaceful sleep, because I will protect it each and every night till the end of time. I love you to the Moon and back, baby. Have a rest. Goodnight. 


Going to sleep without you is a pure torture. I wish I could feel your soft skin on my skin, your warm breath on my lips. Wishing you a good night and a deep peaceful sleep. All my dreams are about you, love. 


Dreaming about you every night is a thing I’m getting used to. Although I love seeing you in my dreams, I prefer feeling you by my side. Can’t wait to see you again. Have a peaceful night and a beautiful morning, baby. 


I miss you so much! Going to sleep without you makes me so unhappy that I just can’t fall asleep for hours. Please, don’t leave me alone anymore! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, love. Goodnight. 


Nights feel colder when you are not by my side. I would do anything to be with you right now. I hope that you are having a wonderful evening, baby. See you tomorrow. Goodnight. 


It’s so hard to fall asleep without you. I miss you so much that it hurts. Hope that you are not as miserable as I am right now. Have the best night, sleep well and wake up rested, baby. Love you very much.


It doesn’t matter how bright and wonderful my dreams are, because they still can’t compare to these sweet moments when I’m with you. I can’t wait to wake up and see you again. Good night, darling.


Although I can‘t be together with you but I hug you very strong. I will be near you in your dreams. We will meet there!


Some scientists say that star Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. I don’ t agree with them. The brightest stars I’ve ever seen were your beautiful eyes. Sleep tight, honey.


This night is so quiet and there are so many stars in the sky… I’m standing near the window and thinking about the past times when people used stars to find their way. But you know, I don’t need any stars, because the only guiding star for me is you.


Nothing can compare to your incredible beauty: neither the light of a thousand stars, nor the moonlight. You are the most wonderful creature in the whole Universe and I love you endlessly. Good night, my love.

The most cherished dream of mine is to appear in your dreams and make them really sweet and pleasant. Sleep well at night and gain strength, because an amazing day is waiting for us!


I wish I could pick up the stars and bring them to you,
So that your sweetest dreams come true.
Good night, honey, sleep tight!


I’ve been thinking about you all day. And it seems to me that I won’t stop doing it even at night. I recall your angel face, big blue eyes and tender voice… Honey, you are perfect to me. Wish you to have the most amazing dreams this night.


I couldn’t sleep since I met you. And now I’m lying awake and thinking about you. Again. Baby, you drive me crazy. Although I expect reciprocity, your precious sleep is more important to me, so sleep tight.


Although we are miles away, I still can imagine you lying next to me and breathing quietly. You’re so beautiful and peaceful when you sleep. Send you lots of hugs and kisses. Sleep well.

Night follows day, the moon gets bigger, even the stars change their positions. Everything changes in this mutable world, but not my love for you. It was, is and forever will be the same. Sleep well, my princess.


I wish I had an opportunity to show you the most wonderful dreams. I wish I had an opportunity to warm you up every time you get cold at night. Sleep well, my sweet princess.


May this night take away all your heavy and disturbing thoughts and show you many bright and wonderful dreams where we are together. Wish you a good night, my dear.


My sweetheart, I wish you to get a good rest and fulfil with energy for the whole day. Sleep well and don’t worry about a thing – I’ll guard your sleep and make all your nightmares go away.


May this wonderful night give you a wonderful adventure to the places where you’ll become happy. And I’ll take care of your happiness when you wake up. Good night, honey.

May the stars sing you a lullaby of love this night and may the moon guard your sleep! Sleep well, sweetheart.


Sweet dreams love!! Even though thousands of stars shine bright in the sky. But, you’re the one and only shining star of my life.


Not once in my life I will be able to fall asleep, until I message my baby. Even if I may be tired or sleepy. Good Night Love <3


You are the one and only who can light my nights up. Now, the moon is jealous of you and angry at me. Good Night Love!


This quote has the following attachment. The cosiest hug, sweetest kiss, the cutest cuddle and warmest snuggle. Good night and sleep tight.

My love, I always admired you! You manage to do so many things during the day and I’m really proud of you. But let yourself get some rest this night. Sleep well and don’t worry about a thing.


Good Night Love!! I fall asleep every night with a big smile on my face because I am sure that when I wake up I am going to meet the person who puts it there.


I literally just can’t describe, how I feel. Remember that the night is not forever, but our love definitely is. Have a good night sleep.


Let me tell you the reason why moon is shining so bright tonight? It is due to the fact that it is trying to be as beautiful as you are. Have a lovely and awesome night.


Good Night and Sweet Dreams my lovely girlfriend/wife. This message is definitely a guarantee that you’ll have awesome dreams and will wake up with a SMILE on your face.

My darling, I wish you to sleep well this night and prepare for an exciting day. May only sweet dreams visit you this night and bring all my love and tenderness with them!


Good night, my precious, can’t wait to see you tomorrow!


I want to be a cool breeze in the darkness of night that gives you goose bumps till you sleep. Good night.


I would like to hear the word “Love“, such gentle and quiet, to hug you and fall asleep near you. Have sweet dreams.


It is dark and cold outside,
It is warm and cosy in your bed,
I wish to come quietly to you and wish you sweet dreams.

I am going to sleep and I am wishing you sweet dreams and sending you a kiss, I love you so much…


The dark night has come,
An insane silence is outside,
And you are not here!
I am so sad, I want to cry,
But the night will pass
And the morning will come,
I will smile again because we will meet.


Before I fall asleep I would like to see you, I would like to see that warmth in your eyes which makes me feel so good. I want to feel your body and the warmth of your hands. I would like to feel tenderness and sweetness of your lips…. Sleep well.


Touch me like the night touches the stars…
Kiss my lips like the moon kisses the ground
Feel the sweetness of the kiss…. sweet dreams.


If you knock at the door of dreams
Mr. Sleep will open it for you,
There you will see me, have sweet dreams!

The sun sets in the west, the sunbeam hides on the bed sheets. The moon shines in the sky and the moonlight reflects in your eyes. The dream falls from the stars and covers you with sweet sleep.


Your voice sounds to me like an angel‘s voice,
Your presence is like never ending love story,
When you wish me sweet dreams it sound like a melody,
I love you!


I have just had a telephone call from Inspector Dream, his surname is Goodnight. He told me, that all nightmares are arrested and detained. So you can sleep well…. Good night.


Lie down slowly to your bed, close your eyes and think of nothing.
And when you feel that you are in a dream, look around, maybe you will meet me there?


As the moon sings lullaby and the stars kiss your eyes, I wish you sweet dreams, honey.

The night is quietly coming and knocking at your door.
I am carrying the sweetest dream for you across the sky
And gently saying „Good night“.


Look around, it’s dark outside,
So many stars are shining bright,
I am charmed by this amazing sky,
But more by you, my sweetie pie.


I would like to cover you with warm wings of love,
Give you a hot hug and kiss you very gently.
Have beautiful dreams, sweetheart.


If I were the wind, I would pat your hair
If I were night, I would close your eyes.
But I will be a dream and I am coming to you.
Night night, sweety.


Small stars are sleeping,
And I’m going to bed too,
Wishing you sweet dreams
And whispering “I love you”.

I am a sweet dream and I come to you,
Bringing a handful of colourful dreams.
Night night, beauty!


The night has come, so close your eyes,
Small star will take you to the sky,
Where you will see a lovely dream.
Good night to you, my beautiful queen!


Goodnight, my sweetheart,
When you fall asleep,
The stars will be shining
And taking care of you,
While I cannot be near.


I wish I could turn into a night butterfly tonight and fly through your open window to say “Good night”.


Little stars are shining in the sky,
I pick up the most beautiful one and give it to you!
Sleep well, beauty!

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