Tuesday , 11 February 2025


On this page we present you lots of I am sorry messages for him – boyfriend or husband – for those times, when you are genuinely sorry and want to apologise. The most important is to admit your mistake, understand and rectify it, ensuring that you will never repeat it again. Remember, the words „I am sorry“ always have to be conveyed sincerely and meaningfully.


A lot have been said in a heat of the moment but I want you to remember that it all comes from a good place. We argue because we care and worry about each other, it should be an opportunity for us to grow and not tear us apart.


Honey, I know I hurt you and nothing can be said or done to change that. I can’t even forgive myself so how could you? If you are ready to talk, I will be there to listen and willing to work on myself.


I’ve crossed the line, I fully admit that. You deserve so much better than this, and I promise to work on myself as long as it takes to make you happy. I really do care for you and I want this relationship to last. 


“Sorry” is not enough to make you feel better and I know that. I’m asking for forgiveness, but I also promise to pay more attention to what I say and what I do, because I don’t want to hurt you anymore. 


Do you believe in second chances? I hope you do, because I don’t want to lose you because of this stupid thing I’ve done. I’ve learned my lesson, and it will never happen again. I love you, please forgive me. 


I am so sorry I allowed this anger to conquer my inner peace. I didn’t mean to hurt you, baby. I’m working on myself, and my inner frustration will not bother you anymore. Will you forgive me? 


I’m sorry I can’t stop crying, I just can’t believe that I could hurt you like that. You are my favourite human being in the world, and I want you to be the happiest man alive. I hope that you can forgive me.


Is it too late to say that I’m sorry? I hope it’s not, because my heart will break into million little pieces if you don’t want me anymore. I’ve made a huge mistake, and I will do anything to make it up to you. 


Now I understand that I treated you badly. It took some time for me to realize that, but it’s never too late to say I’m sorry, right? I want to stay in your heart, baby. Give me just one more chance. 


Our love has grown through years of arguments and misunderstandings. I’m sorry for being unkind to you, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong; I’ve just been feeling weird lately. I love you, please forgive me. 


Admitting that I was wrong is still hard for me, and I’m still learning. But it’s a journey, and I’m doing my best to be a better person for you. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. 


I love you more than anything in the world. The thought of me hurting you makes me feel so angry at myself. I will do anything to make it up to you. Please don’t be mad, I’m trying my best. 


I can’t believe you still want to be with someone as crazy as I am. It takes a lot to be as patient as you are, and I appreciate it very much. I’m sorry for making you feel this way. I love you. 


People need fights to find compromises. I know I can be too harsh and overreact from time to time, and I’m really sorry for my behavior. I never mean to hurt you. I love you more than words can say. 


I hate myself for doing it to you. Sometimes I just can’t control myself, and I hurt people I love without even knowing it. I’m working on that problem. I will do anything to protect you from my destructive behavior. 

I think it is very important to say sorry when you feel like you messed up. I certainly did. Sometimes I do things that hurt you, because I can’t control my emotions. It’s not your fault, and I’m really sorry for making you feel like it is.


I know that you may say that I’m not trying to be better for you, but I’m doing my best. I appreciate your love and support, and I don’t want to lose it. Sometimes I just think too much. Please forgive me.


You make me so happy. And it’s insane that I somehow still manage to mess it up. I will continue to learn and will become better for you eventually. Nobody’s perfect, and I’m aware of that. I will do anything for you.


Being your partner is such a huge privilege for me. I feel the pressure. I promise I’m doing everything to make you feel like the most special person in the world, but sometimes I make mistakes that hurt you. I am really sorry for that.


Everything I do, I do it to make you happy, but sometimes I make mistakes that hurt you. We can talk about it as long as you want, because that’s the only way to make this relationship strong and everlasting. I’m sorry for making you feel this way. 


I didn’t mean to hurt you. Sometimes I do things that are wrong, but I’m really trying to be a better person for you. I make mistakes, but I’m always ready to fix them. I love you very much, baby, please forgive me.


I have never felt this bad in my entire life. I love you and I would never hurt you on purpose. I will do anything for you to forgive me. Just don’t be mad, baby. I love you. 


Love is not easy. We all make mistakes, and I do that so often that I can’t believe you are still with me. But you are, and I know that’s because you love me. I’m doing my best for you, baby. I am so sorry for hurting you.


You are the love of my life. Sometimes I do things that hurt you, but I want you to know that I feel extremely sorry for that. I promise you to be better. I love you, don’t be mad. 


I am so lucky to have you. Sometimes I forget about that and say things that I don’t really mean, but I want you to know that you will always be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so sorry, baby.


I know it is hard to forgive me, but I genuinely am sorry for what I said and did. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and I don’t want to lose you. I will do anything to make you feel better. I love you, no matter what you decide.


I admit that I was wrong. For me the most important thing in the world is our relationship, and I really want to be with you till the end of time, so let’s talk about everything and make it work. I’m sorry, don’t be mad. 


Sorry indeed seems to be the hardest word. Especially for me. You know I’m just not good in apologizing, but I really feel like I owe you an apology. Please forgive me for what I have said and done. I love you, and I didn’t mean to hurt you.


Let’s make a pinkie promise to never fight again, baby. I feel sorry for making you mad, and I don’t want you to feel bad because of some stupid things I’ve said. You are my biggest treasure in life. I love you, please forgive me. 


A relationship without fights is not a true relationship. Fights make us stronger if we know how to compromise. And I want to learn how, because I want to be with you forever. I’m sorry for what I did. Please forgive me. 


Can you forgive me? You are the best man in my life. I really miss you and want to hug you. Please, don’t be angry at me!


My dear husband, we are family and I don’t want to lose it. I’m very sorry. Love you and miss you so much!


I miss you so much, my love. I want to feel you next to me. I’m really sorry and I hope that you will forgive me.


I’m sorry, my love. If you know me, you have to understand that I was angry and all that I told you was not true. Please, forgive me.


My love, my man, I’m very afraid to lose you, so I want to apologize from all my soul. You are the best thing that could have happened in my life. Love you!

Can I say sorry? I was a stupid girl. Let me show you how much I love you. Waiting for your message.


My sweetheart, I’m feeling terrible but I want you to know that everything what I told you is not true. I did not think so. Give me one more chance to prove it.


Let me apologize you for my wrong words. It happened accidentally. You are the best man I have ever known. Love you.


I love you, my love, to the moon and back. Everything that happened yesterday is only my mistake. You are a perfect husband. I don’t want to lose you!


Do you know how much I love you? It was just a misunderstanding. Don’t let our love end.

My love, you know me well, so I hope that you will understand that it was a mistake. I’m really sorry… Give me one more chance!


My dear man, I was wrong…I promise, that it will never happen again… I’m sorry…


My lovely man, I want to apologize you for my stupid speeches… I’m feeling terrible now. Please, don’t forget that I love you from all my heart.


I’m very sorry for yesterday’s actions. This did not have to happen. I’m feeling bad… Miss you.


I know I can be unbearable sometimes. I’m trying hard to get rid of my attitude, but it’s not always going so well. I’m really sorry for making you feel bad, baby. I promise I’m going to become a better version of myself with your help.

Don’t be mad at me. I’m really sorry for that. Please, forgive me.


I’m really sorry for my inappropriate words. I know that it hurt you. Forgive me!


You know… I still think about you, of all the mistakes I did, I cried and still sometimes cry, I’m sorry for leaving you, now I know you were the one, but it’s way too late, I’m just really sorry…


Babe, I know we can work it out, we can do it, we just need to fight and stay strong, I love you, and I believe in us, I’m sorry for making you mad, for annoying you with my questions, I’m sorry for what was wrong, forgive me…


You’re right. I do act like a little girl from time to time. I know it makes you angry, and I’m really trying my best to get rid of this bad habit. You are the one who can help me become so much better. I’m sorry, baby.

I still see you every day, we pass through each other like we’re strangers, it hurts, but I pretend I don’t care, smile, I hide everything, I’m sorry, that I wasn’t good enough for you, for not answering, for just loving you.


I know it’s my fault you’re mad, I know I did something, you just don’t tell me, because you don’t want me hurting, I know you are kind-hearted, but please forgive me, for whatever I did wrong…


I’m sorry babe… for everything that I did wrong, I just wanted the best of everything, because I truly loved and still love you, but I see that you don’t even care, pass through me like you don’t know me, it hurts, but I know it’s my fault, I’m sorry…


You know it’s quite tiring to see you every day with her… I just wanted to say sorry for everything I ever did, to make you leave me, I’m sorry for being cold-hearted, for not talking, for ignoring you… forgive me.


Sometimes I just do things without understanding that it can affect somebody in a very bad way. I feel awful for hurting you, baby. Whatever I do, I never want to make you feel miserable. Please forgive me.

I looked into your eyes, they sparkled, you glowed when you saw me, you were happy and needed only me, but then one day everything changed, I saw you, I looked into your eyes, I didn’t see a spark anymore, my heart broke, and from that day I knew it was over… I’m sorry for not being the girl you truly wanted, for not being good enough…


I often think about everything… You don’t see how I’m breaking, while you fall asleep, you don’t even care, and I’m still waiting here, I’m sorry for everything that wasn’t perfect, I’m sorry I wasn’t perfect, I’m just sorry for everything…


I miss you, I never really stopped thinking of you, I still remember every little thing you did, what you said, I remember when I was your girl, when you needed me and only me, I still remember your lips saying: I Love You… All I wanted to say is sorry for not being good enough.


I’m sorry… Sorry for thinking of you too much, for wanting you next to me, for believing that we could be something, for texting back quickly, for never wanting to leave your side… I’m just really sorry for loving you too much…


Everybody makes mistakes, and I’m not an exception. I have a complicated personality, and I still can’t believe you love me despite that. I’m sorry for what I did. I love you, and I will do my best to become better than what I was before.

Maybe my words „I am sorry“
Do not mean that much to you now,
But I am truly regretting for what I have done,
Please, forgive me.


No words can express
How sorry I am for hurting you, honey,
And for all the harm that I‘ve caused.


I know the things I did were foolish,
I’m sorry for acting so impulsively,
Wish I could take all back,
Cause I didn‘t mean to hurt you in any way.
I am sorry.


I am sorry for breaking your heart,
Please, give me one more chance,
I will try my best to fix it.


I hate when we fight. I feel alone and abandoned when I can’t talk to you. I know you feel the same. I apologize for acting like crazy, I never meant to hurt you, love. You are my everything, please forgive me.

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