Monday , 17 February 2025


Wishing to send a greeting message to a newly wedded couple and looking for some inspiration? Writing a high quality greeting words to congratulate on this special occasion is not very easy. But don’t worry, because on this page we present lots of nice and original greeting cards, quotes and wishes for newly married couple with images. Take a look at our chosen messages and cards and pick up the best one.


There’s no guarantee when it comes to marriage. But you have everything to make this work. I’ve never seen such an amazing couple, and I’m sure that your marriage will be a beautiful adventure, so don’t you worry. Congratulations!

There’s no doubt that your marriage will bring you a ton of unforgettable memories and extraordinary emotions. Stop stressing out and enjoy every second of this beautiful journey. Congrats! 

Your marriage feels like the most perfect fairytale. The most amazing thing is that it’s only beginning, and there’s so much more to come. Can’t wait for your first anniversary! Congratulations!

Marriage is an emotional rollercoaster, but you will definitely have fun while you’re enjoying the ride. Talk to each other about your problems, and nothing will be able to tear you apart. Congratulations on getting married! 

I’m sure that your marriage is the greatest decision you’ve ever made. You are a match made in heaven. I can’t wait to see your beautiful babies! Oh, is it too soon? Anyway, congratulations on your marriage!


First year of marriage is a blessing. It will get harder, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t cope with difficulties. Keep supporting each other and learn to compromise, and you’ll stay together forever. 

Congratulations on becoming husband and wife! I’m really excited for you. May your honeymoon be unforgettable. I’m sure you will enjoy being married. 

I know you’re a little bit scared right now, because you’ve just made a very important choice. But I’m sure you’ve made a right choice. Enjoy your new life and never give up, even when it gets hard. Congrats! 

It’s very important to learn how to be married. How to compromise and support each other even when you don’t feel like it. I believe in you with all my heart. Congratulations on your marriage! 

I’m so happy for you! You two were made for each other. Can’t wait to see you grow old together and realize that you made a right choice. God bless your union. Congratulations! 


May your life from now on be full of love and understanding, and your honeymoon will last forever. Marriage is simple if you love each other, and I know that you do. Congratulations! 

Marrying a love of your love is a blessing. I’m so happy for you two, I can’t stop crying. I know that it will not always be easy, but you will get through everything. Congratulations on making the best decision of your life, bud! 

Being a bachelor is fun, but being married is such a crazy adventure. I’m really happy for you. You are starting a new chapter of your life, and I’m sure it will be great. Congratulations on your new life!

Marriage can be confusing at first, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be exciting at the same time. I’m extremely happy for you two. Wishing you a lot of patience in learning how to live this new life. 

So… kids? Just kidding. You have plenty of time to think about it. Congratulations on stepping into the whole new world. Marriage is hard from time to time, but your love will help you to get through everything.


To witness the birth of your everlasting love is such an honour. I wish I could find the words to explain how happy I am for you two, but I can’t. I wish you to stay in love forever and never let go of each other. Congratulations on your wedding!

Marriage is not easy. To make it work, you have to put a lot of effort in your relationship. You’ll have your ups and downs, but I wish you to always come back to each other no matter what. Congratulations on your wedding!

Congratulations on your wedding! Being in love is amazing, but marriage can bring some difficulties into your lives. I know you can handle them as long as you are together. Stay strong and never forget how you felt on this day.

When I look at you, I see pure love. My heart fills with warmth and happiness. You know you can’t avoid fighting, but you will learn to compromise, and everything is going to be alright. You were meant for each other. Congratulations! 

I love weddings! May your celebration of love be the beginning of a beautiful journey full of adventures and amazing experience. You’ve made a right choice; I see so much love in you two. Congratulations on your wedding!


Marriage is not a beautiful fairytale with unicorns flying around and problems solving with no effort. But you can do anything as long as you love each other. And you guys do. Wishing you hundreds of happy years. 

Looking at you, I know for sure that you are a match made in heaven. I’m so happy to share this beautiful moment with you. Wishing you understanding and patience in finding it. Congratulations on your wedding! 

First days of wedding are always the sweetest. But it can get harder with time. Nevertheless, I know that your love is stronger than every possible trouble. I was truly blessed to witness your love. Congratulations! 

I can only hope that one day I will meet someone who I’ll love as much as you love each other. I have no doubt that your marriage will last for whole eternity. Congratulations on your marriage!

You make marriage so beautiful with your insane everlasting love. I know you will love each other as much in your nineties. Wishing you a life full of adventures! Congratulations on your wedding!


Dear newly married couple, the most important and spectacular phase in your life has already started. You’ve decided to start a family. May all your plans and hopes on it become true! Congratulations on your wedding!

You have a bright future ahead of you two, make sure you have a good one, because you need adventure, laughter, joy and happiness in your life, but don’t forget all your downs, you will be fine, just promise you won’t leave each other, good luck!

Family is some kind of a magic place, where one can get love, care, tenderness and understanding. Family is intended to heal us, not hurt. That’s why I wish you two to give each other only positive emotions. Congratulations on your wedding!

Congratulations on your wedding, dear friends!
Today a new life for you will begin,
Wishing that no matter what, together you always win!

People say that real love must go through many tests. And I wish you from all my heart to stand these tests and keep the love till the end. Congratulations on your wedding, my beloved bride and groom!


Love is the greatest power: it’s able to take people up to the skies, but it’s also able to break them. And I wish with all my heart that you have only ups in your life. Congratulations on your wedding, my beloved newly weds!


Being a member of a family is a great pleasure, but also a big responsibility. But I believe that you’ll cope with your new duties perfectly. Enjoy family harmony in full. Congratulations!

Dear newly weds, there are only a few truly meaningful events in people’s life and wedding is one of them. So I wish you to keep this beautiful day in your memories forever. Congratulations and good luck in family life!

Marriage is incredible. It’s able to make people experience things they thought they would never experience and learn things they thought they would never know. Congratulations on your wedding and lots of love!

Today is your wedding,
Now you’re husband and wife,
So love, support and cherish
Each other all your life!

They say that a good beginning makes a good ending and today is going to be a very exciting day – the beginning of your family life. And I believe that your love story is going to have a happy end. Or no end at all. Congratulations!

On this special occasion I want to wish you both a wonderful journey, you will fight, you will learn, you have many things to fight for, and many thing to learn from, you just have to wait for them, good luck!

I wish you lots of luck, patience and laughter, but most of all trust, because without trust, there can be no love! good luck!

Make sure your life is happy now, because you have a lot ahead of you, you are just newly weds, you have a lot to learn, and I hope you learn it together on this wonderful journey of love, congratulations!

May the love that you share
Bring you lots of joy,
Your connection is so firm
That no one could destroy!

Three simple words “I love you” will never be enough. Never stop showing your love to each other. Never stop loving each other. Congratulations on getting married!

Today you start a new life, a new journey full of ups and downs, adventures and happiness, I hope you’re ready because now it starts! Good luck and congratulations!

You are a wonderful couple
And we are glad to be your friends,
Have the coolest wedding day
And may the party never end!

May your love and faith for each other always be immutable,
May it shine like a lighthouse for you even during the darkest nights,
May it help you overcome all the storms of life!

We are truly glad to be a part of your special day.
Wishing you married life that brings you tones of joy and happiness of timeless love.

May your hearts be always near both in good and bad times,
May you always hold on to each other with trust and faith.
Wishing you a blissfully married life!

The warmest wishes to a lovely couple!
May your love never fade and only grows stronger,
May your love be a firm foundation for a beautiful married life!

May you two be blessed with love that grows stronger with every day,
And after many many years if you take a look back at your wedding day,
It will be the day your love was the weakest.

Marriage life reminds me three-legged race, when you coordinate your left, but also have to adapt to your partner on the right side so that you are able to walk smoothly. So we wish you a smooth and long-lasting married life.

On this special day you start a new life, you start a new journey,
So hold your hands tight with trust and determination,
And you will overcome all obstacles on your way, you will always be the winners in this life!

Congratulations on this special occasion! I’m sure you receive a lot of all kind of wishes or advices. Still I want to wish you both to have the most amazing years to come in harmony and filled with joy and happiness.

Wishing you all the best on a lovely occasion of your wedding!
You two make a truly adorable couple,
Always support and understand each other
And never let go this love of your life.

May you feel joy with every breath you take,
May you feel happiness in every corner of your heart!
Have a remarkable married life!

Congratulations on your special day! You‘ve made a decision to get wedded with your partner.
We wish that you always take only right decisions, just like you did today!
Have the most loving married life!

Wishing to see you both holding hands during good or hard times,
Going throughout the life with trust, support and never-ending love.
Have a magical married life!

Today is a beginning of your new life as husband and wife and I wish that this life is full of happiness and joy, and may it never end!

Be happy with everything that you save and gain.
All that you have will be sufficient, till there will be trust, understanding and love in every situation of your life.
Wishing you a blissful married life!

You won‘t be a good wife, if you don‘t accept your husband how he is,
But you won‘t be a good wife as well, if you let him do whatever he wants.
So I wish you a perfectly balanced married life!

Never stop holding each other‘s hands, cause now you are nothing but one soul.
Have a fabulous married life, my friends!

On this special day you two are opening a new book of your life,
So we wish you to make lots of memorable bookmarks
And never have a need to tear of any page.
Wishing you only the best luck and the most beautiful life ahead!

Today two souls of yours have turned into one,
Wishing you joy and lots of fun!
Hearty congratulations on your big day!

May your love be strong and bright,
May your life be filled with light,
May all your dreams come true,
Wishing all the best things in life for you two!

By the night your wedding day will be gone, but your love will last forever,
Wishing you all the joy and happiness of married life, congratulations!

The warmest congratulations to the newly weds!
Wishing that you two have an amazing life ahead!

Create a small amazing world of your own,
Where the seeds of love, support and care are sown.
Congratulations on your big day!

Dear groom, look at your amazing bride – she is just lighting up with joy. Now, sweet bride, look at your handsome groom – he can’t even express his feelings. Try to keep your faces that happy forever. Congratulations on your wedding!

Wedding of yours is coming soon,
Wishing you a sweet honeymoon,
As well as a lovely wedding noon,
Be happy, we love you two!

My dear friends, best wishes on your wedding!
You two were truly made for each other,
And for the rest of the world now you should not bother!

I wish for you two an amazing journey in your new road of life as husband and wife! Congratulations!

May joy, love and happiness be yours forever,
Because you, my dear friends, make a wonderful pair!

Your connection is so strong,
It gives you shelter from the storm,
May you always have your love
To keep each other happy and warm!

This occasion comes once in a life time, cherish it, never leave each others side, and good luck on your new adventure! Congratulations!

May your wonderful love story have no end,
Happy wedding day, my dear friend!

Always give each other your all, never spare anything,
because when you are like one that’s when the magic starts!

Have a happy married life,
My dear friends, who’re always there.
Wishing you a lovely celebration
And lots of sweetest memories to share!

The warmest wishes to the most lovely newly wed couple!
I wish you lost of patience together, do not leave each other
even on your darkest days! Good luck!

Your love is so sunny,
It shines in every way!
Congratulations on your wedding,
Have a happy day!

Wishing you lots and lots of days as happy and amazing as this one,
Lots of occasions for celebration and a lifetime of love, joy and laughter!

Congratulations to a wonderful couple,
Wishing you tones of love and happiness,
Never fight in your worst time,
But rather keep holding hands as in your best times!

The most hearty wishes to both of you on big day!
May your married life be sunny and bright
Filled with all the blessings and joys of life.

Congratulations, wishing you a fabulous married life,
Hoping that even the most gloomy day of the future you will turn into happier one only with the power of your love.

May the strong trust and the deep love that you feel for each other
Always give you support in any hard times in the future. Congratulations!

Let the invisible force always guide you and help you to take the right decisions,
May God bless your marriage and keep it safe.

Wishing you all the best things that marriage brings!
Congratulations on your wedding!

Today you are not just a couple,
You are husband and wife,
Who are meant to love and cherish each other
For the whole life!
Happy wedding to you!

Congratulations on your wedding!
Wishing you everlasting love, joy and happiness,
Just like unending circle of your wedding rings.

Remember – love is blind, but marriage will be a true eye-opener for you, so be prepared to protect your love ship during all storms by acts of patience and understanding. Be happy together forever, my dear!

Life is much brighter
When you can share all its moments,
Both happy and sad ones,
With your special person!

Wishing that your love for each other on these special moments of your wedding
Always be on your mind during any hard times in your life. Be happy!

May the love that you two share last forever,
May success, joy and happiness always be yours,
You are such a wonderful couple, wishing you the most happy married life!

On this special day, when you tie the knot with the love of your life,
Wishing you all the best for this amazing journey you are about to start.

May you hold each other‘s hands during all ups and downs,
Let the trust and faith always stay in your family!

Hope that you‘ll always give to each other all your unconditional love,
And God will bless you with peace, content and joy from above.
Congratulations, have a happy family!

I‘m sure you will have the happiest married life, cause your love for each other is obvious and is a true inspiration for everyone around you!

Love is a daydream shared by two,
May all your goals and wishes come true,
May you have thousands of magical moments together,
May you be happy forever and ever!

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